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for which you need help.

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Click your game to jump to the right set of hints:

Doctor Esker's Notebook

Hourglass Letter Compass
Apple Athena Football
Wheel Carousel Map

The hints are sorted by how much help they give you.
The last Large Hint on each page comes very close to just giving you the solution.

Son of Doctor Esker's Notebook (The Sequel)

Forest Knight Chemist Butterfly
Mixer Ship Seesaw Music
Washington Map

The hints are sorted by how much help they give you.
The last Large Hint on each page comes very close to just giving you the solution.

Return of Doctor Esker's Notebook (The Other Sequel)

Butterfly Whale Scorpion Castle Hippo Factory Africa Ivy Pears Path

The hints are sorted by how much help they give you.
The last Large Hint on each page comes very close to just giving you the solution.

Doctor Esker's Notebook IV (The Moroccan Affair)

Boxer Skeleton Ferris World Jewelry Abacus Serpent Submarine Piano Desert

The hints are sorted by how much help they give you.
The last Large Hint on each page comes very close to just giving you the solution.

Click here to see how many times the hints have been used.